Monday, 14 June 2010

Reading groups

Is there any particular topics that people would like to see articles on? Assessment, group work and feedback all seemed to strike a chord!

Hopefully the first of many!

This is the new blog set up to disseminate information about the Uclan PRF (Pedagogic Research Forum) This has been inspired by a great talk by Ruth Smith on blogging as a means of reflection at the last PRF meeting.
This year got off to a slow start but the PRF really got its wings by the end of the academic year. we had some really productive sessions and reading groups, the adobe connect workshop was so packed we had to run two slots. Suggestions for workshops next year are end note referencing software, research methods/ designing a study and the new elgg social networking site which we now have a PRF group on

Elgg is a site to support study, research, networking and collaboration at UCLan. If you don't have a password or would like some training email You must do this using your UCLan account (