Monday, 12 July 2010

handouts before lecture?

Research in the Applied Cognitive Psychology journal states that having access to handouts of the slides during lecture was associated with a number of benefits: less note-taking (studies 1 and 2), less time needed to prepare for a final test (study 1), and better performance on the final test (study 2). Overall, receiving handouts before lecture helped efficient encoding of the lecture

BPS digest lecturers-should-provide-powerpoint

Access to handouts of presentation slides during lecture: Consequences for learning

1 comment:

  1. It depends vso much on the conetent of the handouts. If they are complete lecture notes with all the 'answers' then there is no imperative for the student to attend any presentations. Howevr if they pose questions which an assembled audience can in engage in and with then this is different and will potentailly be motivating for the students participating
