Tuesday, 3 April 2012

University A Levels

In the news at the moment is a story around universities, specifically 'Russell Group' elite universities  being given control over A-Levels, by the Education Secretary  Michael Gove ...
See here 
 But this has not gone down well with the teachers or other universities. Here and here .
Is this a case of Gove passing the buck and not wanting to be responsible for a criticized system?  Why only give control to the elite universities, when there is no evidence that they are any better at teaching than any other university. Is this another case of the rich and privileged taking control of a public system without fair access for everyone else?  The exam boards are not doing a good job hence the move away from them, to the university sector, wait isn't the University of Cambridge a Russell Group university and an current examining board? http://www.cie.org.uk/  Surely if we think they are not doing a good enough job we should be looking outside the Russell Group.
Despite all these criticisms I do believe that all universities should have a say in how to manage A-Levels. They are not working and students just learn how to pass tests and not how to actually learn or think independently. The Access courses were much better structured and gave better preparation for learning and going to university. But changing A-Levels is a big job and will not happen overnight.  The government has to give enough time and resources for this to be managed properly  by qualified and experienced groups and not just pass the responsibility onto their 'friends'.

1 comment:

  1. The Russell Group aren't teachers they're researchers, what do they know about quality teaching?
